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The mineral water on human health is there is profit?

Release date:2018-01-26 Click: 1275

Waterusefulminerals,especially calciumelement,can beabsorbedintothe majority of ourcalciumgroup,has beena controversialtopic. According to the USAmedicalmonthly(AmericanMedicalJournal)reported that,the human body needsmineralsis mainly fromfoodanddrinking water,butnot onoffer.Generallythought thatthe medical profession,the human body needscan beobtained from themineralsin food.Organicmineralsformedbyplant photosynthesisis beneficial tothe absorption of the body.On the contrary,a variety ofminerals in the wateris present asinorganicstate,it is difficult to beabsorbed by human body.Therefore,since peoplecan getthe required mineralsfrom the food,why take the riskof drinkingwatercontainingharmful substances?

For example,if thedaily lifeof humanlack ofcalcium,should themilk(1 cups of milkmineralsis a total of1200 cups of (watercontainingminerals) and otherfoodorcalciumintake,active calciumnamely,get the""(organic calcium).At this point even ifdrinking watercontains a lot ofcalciumis useless,ingestedwithoutabsorptionmaterial willpass through the liver,kidneyand otherorgans(www.kl-oem.com)discharge,so that thebody organsto bear the additional burden.

In fact,only the livingplants canabsorb and usethe soilinorganicminerals,andonly through theorganiccompounds in plantconversion,in order to be absorbedbyhuman bodyand animal.As everyone knows,the earthisnutritious,butonlyindirectlythroughhumanfoodintake of thesenutrients inthe soil.

Now peoplelifelevelhave made great progress than ever before,the diet structurehas improved a lot,chicken,duck,fish,meat,appearing in thedailydish,wintercan eatthefruitin summer,andthefoodcontainsrichminerals and trace elements,itisbeneficial tobe absorbed by thethe human body.

With the development of society,our living environmentbypollution is becoming more and moreserious.The pollutants through theair,water,foodand so on the many kinds ofways to enter the human body,someto beexcretedthrough urine,some willthusenter the humanorgans andblood,so peopleon foodrequires healthand nutrition,on airrequirespurification,to drinking waterrequiresclean,only in this way canpromote the body'sThe new supersedes the old.,let theotherwise healthybody fromorless damage.

In short,fordrinking waterproblem,need not too muchto consider,drinking waterisincreasedpay,do not have to worry aboutnutritionproblems. As forwhat to drinkwater,shoulddepend on economicpremise andthe choice of whether or notis the realpure water.